An individual’s ability to work and make a living is one of the fundamental components of a healthy society. One of the reasons America is known as the “Land of Opportunity” is because there are more career opportunities here than other places in the world. But what happens when a disability robs you of your ability to work? How are you supposed to make ends meet when you can’t make a living for yourself?
Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits exists to help disabled Americans survive financially once they are no longer able to work. SSD benefits aren’t going to make anyone rich, but they could the difference between barely scraping by and living well. Unfortunately, more than two-thirds of initial applications are denied, including hundreds every year from Tennessee. The good news is that those who appeal with the help of a lawyer are more likely to secure benefits for themselves and their families.
If you’ve been denied Social Security Disability benefits, we may be able to help. Call our experienced Social Security Disability attorneys today for a free consultation. We’ll review your initial application to determine why it was denied and help you build an appeal that has the best chance of securing you benefits. Your SSD benefits are too important to try to go it alone. Contact our Nashville SSD lawyers today.