Getting the maximum amount for your car accident claim takes patience and diligence. Our personal injury team will do everything within our power to maximize your claim in the least amount of time, but we can’t do it on our own. We need your help as well. We’ll take care of all the paperwork, filing deadlines, and negotiations with the insurance company. All you have to do is concentrate on getting well while making sure you don’t do anything to jeopardize your claim along the way.
One of the biggest missteps an accident victim in the injury claim process can make is posting to social media. The insurance company may look for any way to devalue your injuries so they can pay you less money for your injury claim. An innocent post to social media can be used against you if your case goes to court. Here’s what we mean.
Let’s say you’ve been through a couple months of physical therapy and are starting to regain some mobility. You get out for a change with friends and post pictures online. The insurance company could use those pictures or your status updates to convince a jury that you weren’t as injured as you say you were. We know that sounds slimy, but we’ve seen it done.
That’s why it’s important that you keep your social media interactions to a minimum throughout your injury claim. It could be the difference between winning or losing big.