Dog bites can result in serious injuries. In addition to the direct physical damage from the bite, you have to worry about the risk of infection. If the dog is unknown or has not had its rabies shots, you have to worry about having a potentially fatal disease. Plus, dog bites often come with trauma. People love their dogs and take them everywhere, making it very difficult for people struggling with trauma after a dog bite.
Speak with a Goodlettsville dog bite lawyer at Ponce Law about recovering from dog bite injuries. Our experienced personal injury attorneys could review your case and determine whether the dog owner was at fault, your potential damage award, and potential defendants in a claim or lawsuit.
The owner is responsible for keeping their dog contained and preventing it from biting people. When bites occur in public places or on property owned by someone other than the dog’s owner, the owner is almost always liable. In the state of Tennessee, liability exists even if the dog has no history of dangerous behavior.
However, if the dog is on its own property, the owner is only liable if they know the dog is aggressive; though, this liability is limited. If the dog is in a cage, fenced enclosure, or otherwise restrained, but the bite victim still approaches the dog, then the owner will not be liable. Likewise, if the bite victim harasses the dog, the owner will not be liable.
Under strict liability, a dog owner would be responsible for a dog bite injury regardless of the circumstances. However, Tennessee law has specific exemptions where the dog owner is not liable:
If the person is a trespasser on the property where the dog owner lives, the owner is not liable for a dog bite. However, this may not apply if the trespasser is a child and the dog is not secured on the property.
Police and military dogs are exempt if they bite someone in the course of their duties. However, if the police or military dog is not on duty, its handler or the organization that owns it may be liable. Additionally, if the dog bites while on duty but biting is not part of its duties, the owner would still be liable. An example would be if a drug-sniffing dog bites someone since biting is not part of its duties.
If the dog bites someone who is attacking their owner or someone in the dog’s company, then the dog owner is not liable. For example, if a dog owner is jogging with their dog in the park and someone tries to attack the owner, the dog can bite the attacker without the owner being liable.
A dog bite victim who wants to learn whether an owner will be liable in their case should speak to a seasoned Goodlettsville dog bite attorney at Ponce Law. Our knowledgeable legal team could review the facts of the case and advise about potential liability.
Theoretically, any dog bite could lead to a civil claim. A dog does not have to maul a victim for the bite to trigger damages. The degree of compensation will depend on the severity of the injuries. If a person has puncture wounds, infections, scarring, fractures, disfigurement, or their treatment requires surgery, the injury will support a claim for substantial damages.
In dog bite cases, emotional damages can be as significant as physical injuries. Even if a dog bite’s physical damage is not severe, it may leave the victim with ongoing trauma. If the victim can prove that trauma, they may be able to recover financial compensation for therapy and emotional pain and suffering. A skilled dog bite lawyer in Goodlettsville could examine medical records and help estimate the value of damages for a specific case.
Dealing with the aftermath of a dog bite can be challenging. Often, the owner is a family member, friend, or neighbor. Seeking compensation from them can feel emotionally awkward. Plus, if they have a dog with a history of aggression, they may feel like your efforts threaten their dog. It can be an emotional minefield.
Instead of handling it alone, consider hiring a Goodlettsville dog bite lawyer at Ponce Law. Our well-practiced and capable legal professionals could work with the insurance company, letting you take a step back from the negotiations while still getting the compensation you need and deserve. Call today to schedule a free case review.