If you or your loved one has been injured due to a car accident or slip and fall, our team of experienced attorneys at Ponce Law are prepared to represent you and fight for the compensation you deserve. Personal injury cases can be litigated through civil court and decided by a jury or settled out of court before any lawsuit is filed. Call now to have your case evaluated by a Murfreesboro personal injury lawyer.
Personal injury law in Tennessee covers a wide variety of various cases, such as:
Auto collisions are the most frequent personal injury accidents. This type of accident can involve a car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, or pedestrian crash. Determining liability can be complex—it involves closely examining local traffic regulations, eyewitness accounts, and accident reconstruction data, all of which our qualified personal injury attorneys in Murfreesboro could help with.
Slip and fall accidents happen when property owners do not safely maintain their premises and, as a result, cause injury to others. Slip and fall lawsuits must show that the property owner was aware of the dangerous condition that led to the plaintiff’s injuries. If a workplace injury has occurred, workers’ compensation is usually the insurance that covers the employer’s responsibilities. However, if the employer doesn’t have enough employees or fails to provide coverage, litigation may be another option. A product liability case is a lawsuit in which a defective or dangerous product injures an individual, and the product’s distributor, manufacturer, or retailer can be held liable.
Tennessee uses a modified comparative fault rule. Under this law, the plaintiff is allowed to obtain damages as long as their fault is not 50 percent or more. A plaintiff who is determined to be 50 percent or more at fault loses the opportunity to recover any compensation. This rule states that fault must be shared among all parties involved, and the plaintiff’s compensation is reduced by their percentage of fault. For example, if the plaintiff is given $100,000 in damages but is deemed to be 30 percent at fault, their compensation will be reduced to $70,000.
The first step of a personal injury case is the case evaluation. At Ponce Law, our legal team provides a free initial consultation to determine the cause of your accident, injuries, and damages. This stage involves reviewing accident reports, crash cam footage, police statements, medical records, witness statements, and any other relevant information. A demand letter may be sent to the at-fault party or their insurance company before our lawyers file your lawsuit. The letter will detail your injuries and the associated costs and compensation you seek.
In the event that a negotiated settlement fails, our attorneys will initiate a formal lawsuit. Litigation involves the discovery stage, depositions, and possibly a trial. If the case is brought to trial, both sides have the opportunity to present evidence and argument to a judge or jury, who will then decide the outcome. Our dedicated Murfreesboro injury lawyers can help you build a strong case for compensation and fight aggressively for your recovery in court.
If you win a personal injury suit, you can recover damages for your injuries. The type of compensation a judge or jury awards is determined based on the specific circumstances surrounding the case and the type of injuries sustained. Compensation can be in the form of lost wages, past and future medical bills, emotional distress, loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, property damage, and more.
You may be entitled to compensation if you or a loved one suffered an injury due to a third party’s negligence, reckless conduct, or intentional actions. Call today to schedule a complimentary consultation with a seasoned Murfreesboro personal injury lawyer at Ponce Law.