When we think of the risks of drowning, most people tend to believe a person must be submerged in water in order to suffer such an accident; however, experts are warning this may not necessarily be the case. Instead, they are instructing parents and lifeguards to be aware of a swimming pool accident that is commonly known as a “dry drowning”.
Dr. Ian Kane from Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville explains a dry drowning can occur when a person accidentally inhales water while swimming or participating in other water activities. The water in the lungs can then prevent oxygen from being absorbed into the blood stream from the lungs, causing the victim to suffocate. Dr. Kane goes on to explain in an interview with News Channel 5 that this type of swimming pool accident accounts for roughly 5 percent of all drowning cases that are treated at the hospital.
So what can you do to help prevent dry drownings from occurring? Our team of Nashville personal injury lawyers at Michael D. Ponce & Associates says taking these three steps can help: