The results of drug safety tests are often published in peer-reviewed medical journals. But do these publications provide doctors and patients with enough information? Some experts say no.
An article from Salon examines the numerous medication safety studies conducted annually in the U.S. and found only a handful of results get published.
Safety findings regarding antidepressants are highlighted as an example. Researchers examined studies on drugs like Paxil, Prozac, and Zoloft and found that 94 percent of tests published in medical journals found drugs to be effective. Tests that showed the drugs to be ineffective or potentially dangerous, such as studies on antidepressant birth defects, were often not published.
Legislators passed a bill in 2008 that requires all medical studies to be released by the federal government, but biases remain regarding which studies get publicized and which do not.
The Nashville drug injury lawyers at Ponce Law believe patients should always ask questions about the risks of drugs they are taking. Gather as much information as you can about a drug before taking it and report any adverse events to your physician or pharmacist. We hope these tips help to keep you and your loved ones safe!