Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits can be a life-saving source of income for sick or injured workers who are unable to do their jobs or return to work. Everyone pays into the Social Security Administration (SSA) with every paycheck they earn. Although most people get some of that money back when they retire, others may need it earlier due to serious injuries or illnesses.
But in order to prevent too many people from acquiring SSD benefits, the SSA has set up many strict requirements and guidelines that must be met before applicants are approved. Unfortunately, that strict process often leads to the denial of many qualified and deserving applicants.
Ponce Law’s team of Nashville Social Security Disability Lawyers knows how the SSA receives, reviews, and approves applications, and we know what must be done to fast-track the process and improve your chances of being approved. However, we also know that many claims are jeopardized even before the application process begins.
If you’re considering filing an SSD claim, be sure to not make these common mistakes:
Another common mistake is failing to call a lawyer. The SSD application and appeals processes can be hard to navigate without experienced help. Don’t go it alone. Call us today for a free consultation.