“The Dragon’s Tail” is an 11.2-mile stretch of U.S. Highway 129 that runs along the Tennessee border. The road is popular with motorcyclists due to the 318 curves packed into the short stretch, but the highway is also used as a shortcut by some commercial tractor-trailers moving loads over the mountains.
Unfortunately, the roadway has become notorious for accidents both types of vehicles. In fact, a report from Tennessee Department of Transportation shows “The Dragon” has been the site of at least 204 accidents from 2010-12. Because of the road’s location, accidents can take hours to clear, causing major traffic delays.
To help prevent factors that cause Tennessee truck accidents and motorcycle crashes along “The Dragon”, several new laws were implemented. The regulations include lower speed limits, as well as reduced length and weight limits for commercial big rigs.
According to The Daily Times, speed limits along stretches of the road have been dropped to as low as 40 miles per hour. Also, trucks hauling trailers longer than 30 feet are no longer allowed on the highway.
Keeping our roads and highways safe is an important mission of the Nashville personal injury attorneys at Ponce Law, and we applaud the state for making safety improvements to one of our most dangerous roadways.