When many people think of getting compensation after a work injury, they think of workers’ compensation benefits. And while that’s the way to go for many on-the-job accidents, injuries, and illnesses, it’s not always valid. In some cases, work-related injuries are handled more like personal injury claims.
Generally, workers’ comp claims arise when workers get injured while performing their work-related duties. Personal injury claims, on the other hand, typically arise when people get hurt through no fault of their own, regardless of what they’re doing at the time. But in some cases, it can be difficult to determine which claim applies to a particular situation, or even if both claims apply.
For example, an injured worker may be eligible to file both types of claims if they’re hurt in a crash caused by another driver while they’re driving or riding in a work vehicle and for work-related purposes. Another example could be someone not affiliated with their job causing them to suffer injuries due to negligence while they’re at work.
It’s important to have an experienced Nashville personal injury lawyer on your side if this scenario applies to you, as there’s a good chance both the at-fault party’s insurance company and your employer will point fingers at each other instead of assuming liability. Getting compensation from both parties can be difficult, but if it’s the best course of action, we’ll do everything we can to make it happen.
Contact Ponce Law today for a free consultation. We’re here to help.