Roundabouts are extremely common in Europe and other parts of the world, but they’re far less common in the U.S. Nashville and Middle Tennessee have a few roundabouts, but most drivers here don’t encounter them every day. When they enter a roundabout, they may be confused and unsure of what to do.
Knowing how to safely navigate a roundabout can keep you, your passengers, and other motorists safe:
You don’t have to come to a complete stop at a roundabout if no vehicles are in it, but you are required to slow down.
Don’t enter a roundabout if a vehicle is approaching in your direction. If it exits the roundabout and there are no vehicles behind it, you can enter the roundabout.
Many roundabouts include pedestrian walkways and crosswalks. Always keep an eye out for pedestrians when approaching and driving through roundabouts.
Once you’re in a roundabout, you have the right of way. That means you don’t have to stop for vehicles attempting to enter the roundabout, and doing so could cause a crash.
If you or someone you love gets hurt in a crash in a roundabout, we want to help you get compensation. Although not all drivers are familiar with roundabouts, lack of knowledge isn’t a valid excuse to get out of liability for any damages caused by a crash. Contact the Nashville auto accident lawyers at Ponce Law today for a free consultation.