Transvaginal mesh has been used to support the organs of thousands of women who have undergone certain medical procedures. The problem is that the medical device can erode inside the body, causing some women serious harm—including perforation of internal organs, laceration of body tissues, infection, and severe pain.
These injuries have spurred tens of thousands of transvaginal mesh failure lawsuits across the United States. Many have been consolidated through the court system, which means delays in one case could affect as many as 65,000 women.
According to Injury Lawyer News, a judge overseeing the third transvaginal mesh failure bellwether case recently ordered the trial start date to be delayed until March.
The move came as a shock to many, considering the same judge had issued an order in Aug. 2014 for the trial process to be expedited. The call was made after only a settlement of $1.6 billion had been reached between manufacturers of the faulty medical devices and the victims.
The first bellwether trial ruling in the transvaginal mesh failure cases claimed there was sufficient evidence to support the claim the product was defective. The second ended in a jury awarding $3.27 million to a victim of transvaginal mesh failure.
At Ponce Law, we understand the importance of ensuring all legal processes are followed. That’s why our team of Nashville personal injury lawyers will be following this case closely in the future.