Safety organizations, police departments, and media outlets have spent countless dollars and decades educating the public on the dangers of driving while intoxicated. The effects of alcohol make it extremely difficult for drivers to safely maneuver their vehicles and avoid putting themselves and others at risk.
But did you know that walking under the influence can also be dangerous? According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were nearly 6,000 pedestrian deaths in the U.S. in 2017. One in three of those deaths involved a pedestrian whose blood alcohol content was at or over the legal limit of 0.08%.
Any amount of alcohol can impair fine motor skills, which affects your ability to walk in a straight line. It also affects judgment, decision-making skills, and even your ability to track moving objects. Combined, the effects of alcohol can make a simple task like crossing the street or walking on a sidewalk more dangerous for pedestrians, especially at higher levels of intoxication.
In addition, walking in public while intoxicated can put you at risk of receiving a citation or even being arrested for public intoxication. Don’t risk it, and don’t underestimate the dangers of alcohol consumption even on tasks that seem safe, such as walking home after a night out with friends. Appoint a designated driver, use public transportation, or call a rideshare vehicle to pick you up instead.
The Nashville pedestrian accident lawyers at Ponce Law have seen too many lives upended due to the dangerous effects of alcohol on people who use Middle Tennessee’s roadways. If you or someone you love was harmed by a drunk driver, we want to help. Contact us today for a free consultation.