People who are injured in car accidents that weren’t their fault have the right to file compensation claims to get money for expenses like medical bills and lost wages. But getting fair compensation can be difficult, and in some cases, victims are denied all compensation outright by the insurance company.
It’s important to understand that insurance companies don’t always have victims’ best interests at heart. Instead, they prioritize protecting their own profits—and paying fair settlements to people who are facing hefty accident-related expenses isn’t aligned with that goal. That means insurance companies do everything they can to avoid paying victims the money they deserve. They even have teams of adjusters whose primary job is to find ways to reduce or deny victims’ claims.
At Ponce Law, our Nashville auto accident attorneys know the tricks that insurance companies use to protect their profits, including offering lowball settlements to victims immediately after crashes and denying claims because of minor oversights. Our years of experience helping victims means that we can stay one step ahead of them throughout the legal process. From gathering evidence to negotiating a fair settlement, our experience and resources gives us the advantage.
If you or someone you love was hurt in a crash that wasn’t your fault, don’t leave your future in the hands of the insurance company. Get an advocate on your side who cares about your recovery and your family’s well-being. Call us today for a free consultation.