Insurance companies spend millions of dollars every year trying to convince you to trust them. They promise to be there for you in your time of need, no matter what. Their commercials often win advertising awards and trend on social media, so it’s reasonable to assume that they’re being honest about what they’re selling. But consider this: how many times have you heard someone tell a good story (outside of a commercial) about an insurance company?
The answer is probably never. That’s remarkable, considering how much time and attention insurance companies spend trying to convince folks how trustworthy they are. But it’s rare to hear people rave about how great their insurance company is. The reality is insurance companies are in the business of making money, and they do that by taking your premiums every month and minimizing your claims when they come in. Doesn’t sound like someone you can trust, does it?
At Ponce Law, we help injury victims get the compensation they deserve from the insurance company. You might say we keep them honest. We believe that if a company is going to spend millions telling their customers how great they are, they should back it up with their actions. And if they don’t, they can expect a call from Ponce Law. Our Nashville personal injury lawyers are ready to hold them accountable.