The Nashville car accident attorneys at Ponce Law point out that estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show buckling up can reduce your chances of injury or death in a crash by as much as half.
Yet each year, as many as 14 percent of Tennessee drivers put themselves at risk of harm by not wearing their seatbelts, and the number of drivers who don’t buckle up continues to grow. The University of Tennessee Center for Transportation Research found seat belt usage in The Volunteer State has decreased 1.5 percent from 2014.
Laws require drivers and passengers to fasten their seatbelts, but the current penalties are hardly a deterrent with $10-$20 in fines. That’s why lawmakers have approved a bill that will increase the punishment for motorists who don’t wear seatbelts.
WKRN 2 News reports that beginning in Jan. 2016, the fines for seatbelt violations in Tennessee will increase to $25 for a first offense and $50 for subsequent offenses. The state will also continue utilizing the “Click It or Ticket” campaign as a means of educating motorists about the importance of buckling up.
The legal staff at Ponce Law recognizes the important role seatbelts play in saving lives on the road, which is why our Nashville personal injury lawyers encourage you to buckle up each time you get in a car. Doing so doesn’t just save you money, it could also save your life.