Having an insurance policy on your vehicle can be vital for paying expenses such as medical costs and property damage after an auto accident. However, Tennessee ranks sixth highest in the nation when it comes to the number of uninsured motorists on our roads. In fact, data shows more than 20 percent of Tennessee drivers don’t carry insurance on their vehicles.
Officials hope these numbers may soon decrease though. House Bill 606 will create more stringent punishments for uninsured motorists in Tennessee.
According to WKRN 2 News, the new regulation will allow officers to have a motorist’s vehicle towed from the scene of a stop if proof of insurance cannot be provided. Furthermore, the law raises the fine for driving without insurance from $100 to $300. These new rules will take effect on July 1.
Officials are also working to implement a new database that will allow officers to simply plug in a vehicle’s VIN number to determine if it’s insured or not. This new system is expected to be in place by 2016.
Protecting the health and safety of travelers on Tennessee’s roads is a priority to the Nashville car accident lawyers at Ponce Law. That’s why we are hopeful the new laws will help encourage motorists to obey the law and get insured.