Parsons Police Chief Dale King recently conducted an important study of local wrecks in an effort to curb the rate of deadly car accidents in the small Tennessee town. The two-year long study indicated that Tennessee drivers were at the greatest risk of being involved in a wreck between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, and 6 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Mondays and Thursdays. In response to these findings, King set up officers where collisions were most likely to occur during those times so that motorists would see the patrol cars and instinctively slow down, possibly preventing a car accident. If you have suffered car accident injuries in Tennessee because of the negligence of another person, contact our personal injury attorneys at Michael D. Ponce & Associates to discuss your legal options. You may have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault person, in order to seek fair and timely reimbursement for your injuries and medical bills.
According to the Tennessee car accident study, efforts by the local police department to slow traffic down has cut the rate of deadly collisions throughout the city by a whopping 65%, making motorists city-wide feel safer behind the wheel. “I did this study to find out, to break down statistically where our accidents were happening, what time of the day the accidents were happening, even what day they were happening,” said Chief Dale King. “Yes, if we have an accident of course we respond and help in any way we can, however I wanna catch it before we have the accident.” In light of his findings and the apparent success of the study, Chief King believes that if other cities in Tennessee conducted similar road safety research, it could help save lives across the state and possibly even across the country.
Residents of Parsons, Tennessee say they can see the significant difference such a small adjustment has made to their safety. “I think it is revolutionary that we have initiated a program like this that can actually save taxpayers money and make the community a safer place to live,” said one Parsons resident. “I’m sure it has saved lives. I know that it has saved mega-dollars in property damage.” Encouraged by his findings and the results of the police department’s efforts, King is continuing the TN road safety study in order to find new ways to protect the safety of Parsons citizens and lower the risk of Tennessee car accidents overall. If you have been injured in a car accident in Nashville, or elsewhere in Tennessee, consult our reputable lawyers at Michael D. Ponce & Associates for legal help.