Many people know that teens are the most at-risk age group among drivers. That’s why their insurance rates are so high and why there’s so much educational material and enforcement campaigns aimed at them. Their inexperience and potentially aggressive driving habits significantly increase their risk of crashes, not to mention their penchant for texting, Snapchatting, or otherwise using their phones while behind the wheel.
But teen drivers aren’t the only young drivers who are at risk. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, half of all speeding-related deaths involve drivers 21-35. That means that even drivers with a higher level of maturity and several years of experience are still likely to exceed speed limits, putting themselves and others at risk.
In addition, driving while impaired is also more common among younger drivers, especially those who are of age to legally drink in bars and restaurants. Not everyone goes out to become legally intoxicated, but many drivers who have one too many are reluctant to call cabs or use rideshare services to get home. That can be a potentially expensive or even fatal mistake, as the risk of dying in a car crash increases significantly when drivers are over the legal limit.
While there are plenty of age-related risks when it comes to driving, such as impaired vision, slower reaction times, and reduced attention span, younger drivers aren’t immune to risks that are mostly unique to their age group. If you’re a young driver, avoid distractions, don’t speed, and never drive if you’re over the limit.
The Nashville auto accident attorneys at Ponce Law are here to help anyone hurt in a crash caused by someone else’s negligence. Contact us today for a free consultation.