As much as we’d like all auto accident claims to be simple and easily solved, few are. Every auto accident is unique, as are the stories and lives of each injured victim. However, at Ponce Law, our Nashville auto accident attorneys have many years of experience building successful claims for innocent car accident victims, and that experience means we’ve encountered many of the potential snags and pitfalls that victims may face along the way.
Three common roadblocks include:
- Pre-existing injuries—Insurance companies love to claim accident-related injuries are pre-existing. And sometimes, victims do have pre-existing injuries that are worsened by crashes. When that happens, we collect and compare medical records from the initial injury and the accident-related injury to prove that it was worsened or aggravated by the crash.
- Partial fault—Not all crashes can be pinned exclusively on one driver. In many cases, two or more drivers are at fault, including victims. Tennessee’s modified comparative negligence system means that victims can recover a percentage of settlements, as long as they aren’t 51% or more responsible for their crashes.
- Insurance company refuses to pay—Insurance companies don’t like paying settlements to victims, but they also don’t like dragging things out if they don’t think they can avoid paying. That’s why many claims settle out of court. But sometimes, insurance companies refuse to pay for a myriad of reasons, and when that happens, we don’t hesitate to escalate our client’s claims to trial.
As auto accident lawyers, it’s our job to be ready for any and all snags, from the day our clients contact us until the day they get their checks. Trust our experience and track record of success—your claim will be in good hands. Call today for a free consultation.