Who doesn’t love seeing a car-riding dog enjoying the fresh air with the window rolled down? While it’s a cute sight and fun for dog owners and other motorists alike, it’s not exactly safe. Letting dogs roam freely inside your vehicle is just as, if not more dangerous, than letting your children roam in your vehicle unbuckled.
The safest way to transport your dog is inside a crate. Crates not only help keep dogs safer during crashes, but they also prevent them from hurting you or putting you and others on the road at risk.
Imagine this scenario: you’re driving at 70 mph on the interstate and your dog jumps into your lap. Shooing them away means taking your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, and your mind off the tasking of driving. This scenario is common and extremely dangerous.
Small dogs can be particularly dangerous in vehicles. They can get in the floorboard and make it difficult for you to press the gas or brake. Their small size can also allow them to get stuck, which can also be distracting.
Finally, don’t leave your dog in your vehicle, especially on hot days. Hot car deaths affect more than just small children and babies. They can also affect pets who are left behind, too.
If you or someone you love gets injured in a crash caused by a negligent driver, including one who failed to crate their pet, you may be eligible for compensation. Contact the Nashville auto accident lawyers at Ponce Law today for a free consultation.