If you’ve been injured by a medication, you may have the right to file a civil lawsuit for compensation. But the Nashville drug injury lawyers at Ponce Law explain that it’s crucial to make a claim in a timely manner.
A statute of limitations is a law that limits the amount of time an injury victim has to file a civil claim for damages. Justia.com says that, in Tennessee, an individual usually has one year from the date that his or her drug injury is diagnosed to file a civil claim.
There is an exception to this rule though. Tennessee State Courts say that if an individual was unaware of his or her condition until after the initial year has passed, he or she may still file a claim within one year of the injury being diagnosed.
Personal injury laws and civil lawsuits can be quite complicated. An experienced attorney can help protect your rights if you were harmed by a medication.
At Ponce Law, we know drug injury laws in Tennessee, and we want to put our experience and legal knowledge to work for you. Give our Nashville personal injury lawyers a call anytime at 615-244-4321 to discuss your case.