Some of the most commonly reported on-the-job accidents are known to affect the back or spine. In fact, the Nashville workers’ compensation lawyers at Ponce Law point out that one out of every five injuries covered by workers’ compensation benefits is a back or spinal cord injury.
There are a number of treatment options available to back and spine injury victims, but research indicates the type of treatment often depends on what part of the country they live in.
A study conducted by the Workers’ Compensation Research Institute examined individuals from 13 different states who had suffered back-related injuries while working. Researchers then examined the frequency of different treatment options utilized. The team determined the patient’s location significantly impacts the type of treatment they receive.
For example, nearly 20 percent of patients in Oklahoma and Tennessee underwent corrective surgery, while less than 10 percent of California and Florida back injury victims underwent corrective surgery. The team concluded surgery rates were higher in states like Tennessee and Oklahoma because there are more surgeons and higher surgical reimbursement rates.
If you’ve suffered a back injury while working, it’s important to know your rights. The team of Nashville personal injury lawyers at Ponce Law is here to help. Feel free to give us a call anytime at 615-244-4325.