Before an item is released, it must undergo strict testing to ensure proper function and safety. Hwever, the Nashville defective products lawyers at Ponce Law explain that sometimes faulty items slip through the cracks and cause consumers serious harm.
That seems to be the case with liquid laundry detergent and dishwasher pods. These items are responsible for a disturbingly high number of injuries affecting children, which has prompted officials to recommend households with young children not purchase the items.
According to ABC 2 News, a team of doctors at Nationwide Children’s Hospital examined roughly 17,000 cases of children who were harmed by detergent pods over a two-year period. They found that children often mistake the items for candy, leading to the ingestion of harmful chemicals.
The findings led Consumer Reports to recommend against the purchasing of detergent pods. Instead, households with young children should use less toxic traditional detergents in the home. All detergents should also be kept in a safe and locked location.
If your child does ingest detergent, Poison Control should be called immediately at (800) 222-1222.
The Nashville personal injury lawyers at Ponce Law hope this information helps to keep your children and loved ones safe!