You should always give the task of driving your full attention. But there are certain situations and areas of the road where your risks increase. One of the most common and dangerous areas of the road is a work zone.
There are many reasons that work zones are more dangerous than other areas of the road. First, their lanes are often much narrower due to the presence of cones and barrels. That means vehicles are traveling in much closer proximity to each other than in normal conditions.
Second, they often feature sudden lane changes, shifts, and closures. Many work zones require drivers to merge or even stop when workers and heavy equipment are present. These changes can be unpredictable, and they may change from day to day depending on the progress of the work zone.
Finally, work zones have workers present who may be just a few feet away from the road. In some cases, they may be in the road itself. When drivers aren’t paying attention, they can put themselves and road crew workers in serious danger.
Speed and driving while distracted are always dangerous behaviors, but the risks they pose increase significantly in work zones. That’s why traffic violations in work zones are often more expensive than they are in other parts of the road. At Ponce Law, we understand the dangers of work zones, and it’s our job to help people who have been injured in them and other parts of Tennessee’s roads. Contact our Nashville auto accident lawyers today for a free consultation after a road accident or injury that wasn’t your fault.