Despite attempts by law enforcement and other authorities to provide safe driving education in an effort to curb the rate of car accidents in Tennessee, statistics show that TN car accident numbers are actually on the rise this year. According to the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security, 728 people had lost their lives in fatal accidents in Tennessee this year, as of September 20, 2012, compared to 689 TN car accident fatalities during the same period last year. The department also reports that while drunk-driving arrests have increased 29% in the first seven months of 2012, compared to the same time period in 2011 – which sounds promising – alcohol-related accidents have also increased 8.7% from last year. If you have been injured in a Tennessee car accident caused by the negligence of another driver, contact our experienced car accident lawyers at Michael D. Ponce & Associates to discuss your legal options.
With the combination of inexperience, a lack of confidence and numerous technological distractions vying for attention when a teen is behind the wheel, more and more Tennessee teens are being injured and killed in TN car accidents today. In 2006 alone, there were 1,164 fatal accidents in Tennessee, resulting in 1,284 deaths statewide. Of those fatal accidents, 171 involved a teen driver, and 189 teens were killed in motor vehicle collisions that year. Unfortunately, while drivers’ education courses are offered in some Tennessee schools and by private companies, completion of a drivers’ education safety course isn’t a requirement for TN teens to obtain a permit or driver’s license in the state. This oversight by state lawmakers could be contributing to the high number of teen fatalities in car accidents across the state of Tennessee.
Although handheld devices like cell phones and navigation systems have been pegged as the cause of the majority of distracted driving accidents, distracted driving comes in many different forms. Too often, drivers attempt to do more than one thing while driving – eating, applying makeup, texting, changing radio stations – which significantly increases their risk of being involved in a serious accident. Regardless of how distracted driving manifests itself, the risk remains the same. When a driver takes his or her eyes off the road or hands off the wheel, the resulting consequences can be devastating. If you have suffered injuries in a Tennessee car accident caused by a negligent or distracted driver, contact our skilled car accident attorneys at Michael D. Ponce & Associates to explore your compensation options. You may be entitled to reimbursement for your injuries and medical bills, which you can pursue by filing a personal injury lawsuit against the driver found at-fault in the collision.