A lot of folks in Nashville live paycheck to paycheck. If you’ve ever uttered the words, “I get paid on Friday,” then you know what it’s like to live on a strict budget. Most of the time, we manage to make ends meet, even when we have unexpected expenses. After all, “we get paid on Friday.” That’s not the case for many Nashville folks with disabilities. They can’t work, so there’s no paycheck coming this Friday or any other for the rest of their lives.
Social Security Disability was instituted as a safety net for those who are disabled. It provides important benefits for those who can no longer earn an income on their own due to their disabilities. Although it’s never made anyone rich, it can be the difference between living well and barely making it. Unfortunately, securing benefits on your own can be extremely difficult. The application process can be complex, resulting in denials for more than two-thirds of initial applicants. That’s a lot of people forced to go without the benefits they so desperately need.
Luckily, there’s help in the Nashville area for those who have been denied. The Social Security Disability attorneys at Ponce Law have been helping folks in Nashville get the disability benefits they deserve for years. If you’ve been denied, call our experienced Nashville Social Security Disability attorneys today for a free consultation. Bottom line…we know how to get you the benefits you need. Contact us today.