You’ve worked hard your entire career, paying into Social Security the entire time. Now that you’re disabled and can’t work, you expect Social Security will be there for you, but that’s not necessarily the case. In fact, more than two-thirds of initial applications are denied by the Social Security Administration, leaving hard-working people like you with few options.
That scary statistic negatively impacts thousands of people every year—folks just trying to make ends meet for their families after a debilitating injury. The good news is there’s another statistic that could change your life. The vast majority of those who hire a lawyer to represent them after being initially denied Social Security Disability will secure benefits in their appeal. At Ponce Law, our Social Security Disability attorneys have spent years adding to the number of people who get the benefits they deserve, and we’d love to add your name to that list as well.
If you’ve been denied Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits, call us today for a free consultation. We’ll help make sense of the complicated appeal process and do everything within our power to secure benefits for you. Your SSDI benefits are too important to your family’s future for you to try and go it alone, so call us today.