According to a recent study of workplace injuries in the United States, workers who have suffered an on-the-job injury in Tennessee are among the most likely to hire an attorney to represent them when filing a workers’ compensation claim in pursuit of medical benefits and lost wages. Researchers found that a number of factors played a role in an injured worker’s decision to seek legal representation, including: fear of claim denial, level of workplace trust and injury severity. If you have been injured on the job site in Tennessee, your first course of action, after seeking medical attention, should be to enlist the help of our qualified attorneys at Michael D. Ponce & Associates. Our lawyers have extensive experience protecting the legal rights of injured workers throughout the state, and will work hard to help you and your family pursue the workers’ compensation benefits you deserve.
The research, conducted by the Workers Compensation Research Institute (WCRI), examined nearly 7,000 claims records involving workers in eleven states, including TN, who lost more than seven days at work. The researchers also conducted phone interviews for claims that were two to three years old, in order to determine why injured workers sought attorney representation. According to the survey, more than 30% of injured workers in Tennessee enlisted the help of a lawyer when filing a workers’ compensation claim, ranking Tennessee second highest of the eleven states studied, compared to only 8% of injured workers in Texas. According to Bogdan Savych, a public policy analyst with the WCRI, an employee who is injured in the workplace is more likely to hire a lawyer when he or she feels threatened or harbors fears of being fired for filing a workers’ comp claim.
The study also found that the severity of the on-the-job injury and fear of claim denial played a major role in an injured worker’s decision to hire a lawyer. Researchers found that attorney involvement was highly correlated with serious injuries and with a worker’s fear of his or her claim being denied, either because of a delay in payments, because of an actual denial notice, or perceived through communications with the claims manager. In these instances, injured workers were 34% more likely to retain an attorney, versus 5% in cases where there was no perceived denial. If you have sustained an injury at work in Tennessee, and you have concerns about a claim denial or receiving inadequate workers’ compensation benefits, consult our reputable lawyers at Michael D. Ponce & Associates as soon as possible. Our attorneys can help you protect your legal rights and seek fair and timely reimbursement for your injuries and medical bills.