If you’re like a lot of accident victims, you’re hesitant to take someone to court to get compensation for your injuries. That hesitancy could be the result of a number of things. Perhaps you don’t consider yourself the “suing type,” or you feel like hiring a lawyer will draw out the process of getting compensation. You may simply believe you don’t need a lawyer to deal with the insurance company.
We’ve been around long enough to know that whether or not you call a lawyer to help with your injury claim really comes down to a fundamental decision. Your accident knocked you down, but make no mistake—the worst part of the accident isn’t over. You have a real fight in front of you, whether you’re up for it or not. You have two options: Take what you can get or take what you deserve.
“Take what you can get” means signing the insurance company’s first settlement offer, which is probably not enough to see you and your family through this crisis. The true cost of your accident hasn’t been realized yet. It could take months to know what your final medical costs are going to be, not to mention lost wages from your inability to work. If you take what you can get now, you could be in real financial trouble later.
“Take what you deserve” means you’re not going to let the insurance company take advantage of your situation. Yes, you need money, but you’re not going to compromise your future by taking less than you deserve as a quick fix. You’re going to stand up for your rights and fight.
Which road will you choose? If you want to get what you deserve, call one of our Nashville auto accident attorneys today for a free consultation. We’re ready to take your call and we’re ready to help, so call today.