The holidays are upon us and many Tennesseans will soon be packing up to visit friends or family. During this particular season, it’s important to keep in mind the increased chances of being involved in a motor vehicle collision.
The number of serious car accidents recorded in Tennessee notoriously skyrockets during the final weeks of the year. The Nashville car accident attorneys at Ponce Law explain that it could be a rise in traffic volume or a swelling number of drunk drivers on the road after enjoying the holiday festivities. Regardless of why the crashes happen, law enforcement agencies from across the state are stepping up their efforts to keep our roads safe.
WKRN 2 News reports the Tennessee Highway Patrol will be partnering with local agencies during the coming days to conduct the annual “Booze It and Lose It” operations. The campaign kicked off on Friday, December 18, at the Rutherford County Chamber of Commerce in Murfreesboro, and will continue through January 3. During that time, troopers and officers will focus their efforts on taking dangerous drivers off of the road through the use of sobriety checkpoints and saturation patrols.
At Ponce Law, we’re aware of the hazards that can come with traveling during the holidays and our team of attorneys is hopeful the efforts being made to keep intoxicated motorists off the road is successful in preventing drunk driving accidents from occurring.