According to the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, the state has nearly 11 million acres of farmland. If you’ve ever driven on a rural road or highway, there’s a good chance you’ve encountered someone driving farm equipment.
Many farm equipment vehicles are legal to drive on the road, and in most cases, the drivers are traveling short distances. However, many people who are behind them may be unsure of what to do, especially when the farm equipment vehicles are traveling at slow speeds.
Keep these tips in mind to safely share the road with the next farm equipment vehicle you encounter:
- Don’t pass if legally prohibited—Being behind farm equipment can mean a delay to your commute. But resist the temptation to pass if it’s not legal on the stretch of road you’re on (indicated by a solid yellow line). Wait until you have both visual clearance and the legal green light (broken yellow line) to pass.
- Don’t follow too closely—Farm equipment may not have brake lights. If you’re following too closely, you may not realize the driver is slowing down or stopping. Rear-ending farm equipment can result in serious damage to your vehicle and significant injuries to you, your passengers, and the driver of the farm equipment.
- Be patient—Farm equipment vehicle drivers know that they can be an inconvenience to other drivers. Honking at them or driving aggressively near them won’t help them get to their destinations any sooner. Be patient and wait for an opportunity to safely pass, or simply take an alternate route if available.
At Ponce Law, we work hard to protect all innocent auto accident victims, including those hurt in crashes involving farm equipment. If you or someone you love gets hurt in a crash, contact our Nashville auto accident lawyers for a free consultation.