Many people associate auto accident claims with crashes that occur while they’re driving. But if you get hurt while riding with someone else, whether the crash was caused by them or another motorist, you can still pursue damages for your medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
At Ponce Law, our Nashville auto accident attorneys help injured victims get the money they deserve when they get hurt through no fault of their own. Being involved in a crash as a passenger can be a helpless feeling, but it’s no different than being injured in a collision when you are driving. Someone acted negligently, whether it was the driver sitting next to you or the driver in the other vehicle, and you deserve compensation for their mistake.
We know that some people are hesitant to file compensation claims after accidents when they were riding as passengers, especially if the driver who caused the crash is a friend, family member, or co-worker. However, it’s important to remember that compensation claims rarely affect the liable parties directly. Instead, they’re aimed at recovering damages from their insurance policies.
Don’t miss out on your chance to get compensated for medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering after a crash that wasn’t your fault. Tennessee requires drivers to carry auto insurance for situations such as this, and failing to file a claim means failing to take advantage of a solution to your post auto-accident-related expenses. Contact us today for a free consultation of your claim—we’re ready to help.