Estimates show that as many as 1-in-10 elderly Americans will become victims of nursing home abuse or neglect this year. One of the best ways to prevent this kind of treatment is regular inspection of long-term care facilities being performed by state monitoring agencies. However, a new report shows Tennessee officials are falling behind on completing these investigations.
The Nashville nursing home abuse lawyers at Ponce Law explain that the Tennessee Board of Licensing Health Care Facilities is in charge of looking into complaints of nursing home abuse and neglect. These investigations are supposed to be taken care of within a certain time frame, but a new report from the State Comptroller’s Office shows inspections are rarely completed on time.
According to News Channel 3, reports on 25 cases of suspected Tennessee nursing home abuse were more examined. Officials found inspections were not completed on time in any of those cases. Furthermore, investigations were only completed on time in three less serious cases.
Statistics like these are why it’s more important than ever to be aware of Tennessee nursing home resident’s rights, as well as what actions to take if you suspect your loved one is being harmed by a caregiver.
Tennessee nursing home residents are entitled to certain standards of care and personal freedoms. If you think these rights are being violated, Ponce Law encourages you to report the situation to the proper authorities immediately. Follow up on the case consistently to ensure those responsible for harm are held accountable for their actions.